Hitting- The Power of Posture
By- Ben Gutke The Power of Posture How hitters posture their body while in the batter's box is a large indicator for how much energy...
The Non-Negotiable List- Game Changer
The Non- Negotiable List- Today's Vlog will highlight a system I believe has incredible benefits, both immediate and long lasting. ...
Vlog- Neglected Skill- Violence!!
Today, we want to explore a skill you likely aren't even considering a skill. Violence (No, not like fighting!) Give it a watch and let...
Get Chilly- Not just athletes!
If you've been on Tik Tok or Instagram recently there is a good chance you've run across a post reporting on the life changing benefits...
Growth and Atrophy- Optimizing Your Windows
Any trainer worth their salt deals with clients looking to gain weight or lose weight on a daily basis. At Prime, most of our guys are...
Protein- Guidelines, Mistakes and Strategies
Protein. We all know we need it, especially when training, but how much? When? Are certain forms superior? How many protein shakes do I...
The Big 3
The Big 3 If you're ever trained at Prime Athletics, or have used our systems before, you're likely aware of our fondness for the...
Supplementation in Athletics
by: John Snelten Like Clockwork, every week I get asked by one of our trainees, "what supplements should I be taking?" This will often...
Do you really want it?
Every year, Prime and other facilities are flooded with collegiate and professional hopefuls. The "grinders" walk through the door the...
Velocity translation, Body Mass findings and what it means to you.
Before we begin, it is important to understand where this study originated from. Over the past few weeks/months, quite a few of our...